2023Blurry dreams Mix 128: technological zoo Mix 127: harmonics on the war path Mix 126: space jam Mix 125: eggers Mix 124: piling horror Mix 123: butterflies that fly forever Mix 122: albatross anniversary Mix 121: man versus mosquito Mix 120: paradise in hell Mix 119: simulacra colonization Mix 118: dotted double pirouette Mix 117: half the future is buried in half the past Mix 116: seeds sprouting stories Mix 115: wish I was a seagull Mix 114: reading crisis throes Mix 113: wiggles your brain Mix 112: buzz, whine, chirp, hum! Mix 111: stressed out handstand Mix 110: knobby knot Mix 109: despair of trying Mix 108: rats with backpacks Mix 107: time bomb Mix 106: chanteuse one-two punch Mix 105: silent peace of trees Mix 104: hidden figures Mix 103: pointing blame and simple exploitation Mix 102: flaunting hair, flowing hair Mix 101: trading books for a rifle Mix 100: cathedral of pleasure Mix 99: lived upside down, down in the hole Mix 98: murdering elephant lady Mix 97: knotty medusa jellyfish Mix 96: pigeons shitting oxide 2022Fairytales mixtapes 54-95 2021Mythical creatures mixtapes 3-53